AFRAID OF REJECTION? - Motivational Article - Motivation2Miracle


Afraid Rejection..?

The most powerful motivation in this world is rejection. If you have ever been rejected by your company, your loved ones, or your friends, or in your own words, you are lucky. If you are someone who has not been rejected by anything, you are lucky. The worst experience in the world is enough to survive. Because according to psychiatrists, when we are rejected by someone or something that is very important to us, that mental breakdown is similar to physical pain. It's hard to bear. There is nothing in this world that can compare to that pain. I still haven't found the words to explain that it is like this. But if you are a person who faced that experience and fought with the worst days of your life, then you should be proud of yourself, you now know how to survive. You now know that even if life kicks you, get back up and stand straight. But someone who has not had this experience misses that strange taste of life. Do you know that everything in this life can be divided into two parts. Number one is the things we can control. Number two are things we can't control. I have no problem with things that can be controlled. We need to change the way we react to things that we cannot control. Then you will no longer be afraid of rejection. Have you heard about the word in or peace? Inner peace is one of the most precious words in this world. It is the greatest state of mind you can develop in this world. Build a peaceful inner peace that is so powerful and strong that you cannot be disturbed by any external force. If you refuse to build this inner peace, you will make your life a blessing. The people who rejected you found you again. People who have underestimated you will start lying about you since when. 

Katty Perry is a popular American singer, she is beautiful. Katy Perry's boyfriend Russell Brand got married in 2010 and the whole Hollywood loved them. But exactly one year after the marriage, he asked her for deverose in an unexpected way at a time when Katty was not expecting it at all. Minutes before Katty is to attend a huge concert, he texts her asking for a divorce. Her friends who were close to her at that moment tell her, Katty you have two chances at this time. Number one, if you want, you can cancel this show. You can cancel and go home. Number two or you can give your best presentation today. What do you think Katty would have done? Katty didn't go home, Katty goes to the stage while her chest is bursting with pain and she performs as best as she can. Tears come from her eyes as she sings. But she takes that rejection as a blessing. Time heals her. She has the highest income records in Hollywood. She tells the media at one point that before she received that text message, he and she had never discussed a divorce. Are you saying she is not smart? Instead of blaming someone else for her pain, she found a way to fix the breakdown.

At the age of twenty-seven, young Merrill Streep wanted to be a movie star. She goes to the screen test of the movie king - Kong and the crew of the movie looks at her face and says that she is too ugly for the role. So what did she do that stopped her from acting her dream? She is the only actress in the world who has been nominated for the highest number of Academy Awards. Today, she is not just Merrill Streep, but Merrill Streep, the super actress of Hollywood.

 In 1985, when Steve jobs was thrown out of his own company, what did he do? Did he lose everything and give up hope? He started a new business and earned everything that was lost again. You can't imagine that he was rejected by Apple for the first time, as he says, he was born into this world as a child that this world did not want. Because as soon as he was born, his parents let him be adopted by another couple.

Find out how much Elon Musk, who was one of the greatest characters in the world, has failed or been rejected. Finally he sells his business, he takes the biggest risk a man can take in this world. For your dream. After selling that business, he gets 165 million dollars. He invests all that money in various businesses. By doing so, he chooses to live in a small family. Who would do such a thing but a crazy person, you would think so. Because every person who gets a lot of money spends the money to buy a big house and a car. But his plan was not wrong. Currently, he is the owner of Tesla, Space X and all these companies. His current net worth is close to $19.7 billion or more. All this happened because of the desire to make dreams come true despite rejection. You have to work like crazy for your dream to make a difference in your life, but only one in a million has that strong commitment and that need.

 J.K. Rollings from twelve book publishers Rejected. Everyone who read her books laughed at her and her ideas. But did she give up? It was her stubbornness that made her the richest author in the world. Real madness means something like this or something else. And we tend to make such a strong commitment only after we have broken down to the fullest in our lives. Some people in this world turn their failures into excuses while others turn them into motivation. No one can ever stop those people. When everyone is planning to go on a trip, they are planning their future. 

When everyone is asking for a job, they are thinking how to give a job to someone else. Even if they lose a thousand times, they keep trying until they get what they want. Only they change history. Thomas Alva Edison succeeded for the thousandth time. Work for a new dream. You are not late at all. Only some people think in such an unusual way to do what they love, but they are the ones who win. Accepts rejections like trees and stones and makes up his mind to love life without hating it even when the heart bleeds. No matter what you lose, don't give up on what you love. Lose yourself of being rejected. Remember you have nothing to lose. No human being born in this world has anything to lose. Beautiful Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is rejected by her longtime lover. If you think that the most beautiful people in this world are rejected, if you think that you are not beautiful enough, you are wrong, everyone has their own beauty. But not everyone can see it. If you think you are not good enough then you are wrong again, you are good. But don't destroy your goodness for those who don't see your goodness. 

Start living as you are. Know your good side and bad side and know the people who stop by you. One thing is that most of the time your enemy is not outside but inside your mind. You put limits on yourself that reduce your strong thoughts. Instead of taking responsibility, you accuse others, these are your enemies. The only way you can control this is to work for yourself. That's how you silence your inner enemy. Start doing every little work with discipline. Don't be dependent on someone else, be someone who cares for someone else. Be loved by the whole world even if you are not loved by anyone. Then you will have a great one, you have to give it a name because for me it is something that cannot be expressed in words.

Good Luck.!

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