What is Procrastination? Procrastination Motivational blog article - Motivation2Miracle


You know what's the best story I've ever heard about time management? Time management means pain management. Proper time management is like managing the pain we have to suffer. The person who has done it properly has less pain in the future. The first thing to do is to stop procrastinating. We work in different fields. Procrastination is one of the reasons why we do not progress in our work, business and life no matter how much we work. The amazing thing about this is that we find reasons to procrastinate. We derive a strange temporary pleasure from procrastinating. Knowing that it was a very uncomfortable feeling mixed with happiness. But there is something we need to remember because of this work, you will lose a lot of precious time. You will lose opportunities, you will not be able to reach your goals within the time you planned, you may even lose your career, you may lose your self-confidence, and the chances of you making poor decisions may increase.

Through this, your image can be destroyed. But there are people who postpone work and finish it beautifully at the last moment. Believe me, I have that habit at times. So I also thought to change it this year. However, this article is important for you to get rid of unnecessary stress. According to the Life hack website, there are two types of people in this world. One is those who finish their work as soon as possible and are free. They are called free crastinators. Others put off work as much as possible and do it at the last minute. They are procrastinators. They are in every field. There are procrastinators at all levels.

Maybe a CEO, a doctor, an engineer, a university student, this can be anyone. If you are a workaholic, remember. Every day you procrastinate is just another day of worrying about procrastination and the habit. So, even if it is not possible all the time, let's do what we have to do as much as possible. Let's move forward with life. Because this affects many of our things. Procrastination especially affects our happiness. There is a connection between procrastination and our happiness. A research conducted by a research group on procrastination using 10,000 people has revealed that 94% of them had a negative impact on their happiness. Out of that, 19% of people were severely affected by the postponement of work.

Also, a survey conducted through the website procrastinus.com has revealed that a person who often procrastinates is 70% more unhappy than a similar person. Do you know what affects this matter the most? The stress we feel when we remember the regret after putting off a task and the limited time we have to do that task. In 2006, Todd Rogers and Max H. Bazerman, two Harvard University professors, conducted a study involving a large number of people. Those who participated are given two different activities about saving money. No. 01: Get into a savings plan as soon as possible. Believe it or not, only 30% of the people who participated in the study liked this method. Number 02: Start saving money a year from today. 77% people had expressed their interest in this second method.

Why did people prefer that they start saving money from today rather than starting some day in the future! Why do we procrastinate? Why does our brain not allow us to do what we should do? Behavioral psychology researchers have discovered a phenomenon called time inconsistency. This is something that pushes us to ignore our good intentions and procrastinate. What happens here is that our brain values ​​the immediate results of what we do now more than the future results or the results of what we do in the future. We value what we have now more than what will come in the future.


According to James Clear, the world-famous author and entrepreneur, the best way to understand this is to see yourself as two people. No. 1. The present you, No. 2. The future you. If you are setting a goal for yourself, take something like losing weight or writing a book. You are actually making those goals for your future self. That means you are thinking about how you want your life to be. Researchers have found that it's easier for your brain to see the value of an action with long-term benefits when you think about your future self. Your future self knows the rewards of long-term values. However, while this future self has the ability to set goals very beautifully, only the present self has the ability to make decisions. So when it's time to make decisions, you no longer make choices for your future self.

Right now, your brain is thinking about the present self. So these scientists have found that the present self really prefers immediate gratification and not long-term results. So there is always a conflict between these two. Everything you said will be clear to you with one example here. In the future, you want to be fit and healthy, but in the present, you want to eat donuts. Do you understand?? Of course, we all know that in order to avoid obesity in 10 years, we need to eat a healthy diet today. But we are not following a healthy diet nowadays. And we know that it is very important to save for your future in your 20s and 30s, and the benefits of doing so will last for decades. But if you see this morning, you want to buy the beautiful shoes even if you don't need them.

Also, some days you go to bed very motivated to make big changes in your life, and the next morning you fall into old bad habits without any motivation, it is for this reason. Your brain values ​​long-term benefits when in the future, but immediate gratification when it comes to the present moment. Whenever we are going to make a decision that will have a positive impact on our life, we have a habit of thinking more about the present but not thinking about the future. We like to get quick benefits of anything nowadays. Especially if the costs of our choices don't emerge until one day in the distant future. This will be clear if you say this. A work permit is like a credit card. It's a very fun bill. How to stop procrastinating. Because we are different from each other, we have different reasons and methods of work planning. There are several important ways to avoid this habit. Let's see what they are...

Temptation Bundling: It's easy to avoid procrastination if you can find a way to make the benefits of long-term choices more immediate. Temptation Bundling is the best way to bring future benefits to the present. This concept comes out according to a behavioral economic research introduced by Katy Milkman of the University of Pennsylvania. Here, you should think of the things you want to do as your wants and the things you should do as your needs. After that, you should do the things you like only with the work you plan to do. If you don't understand this, stop reading the article and go get a paper and a pen. After that, make a two-column list. In the first column, write the things you like to do but are not that important. In the second column, write the things you want to do but plan to do. Take your time and fill these two columns with lots of things.

Then connect something you like to do in the first column with something you must do in the second column. For example, listen to your favorite songs and podcasts only during exercise. Watch your favorite program while doing homework or doing laundry. Check the Facebook notification only if you complete a significant percentage of the assignment. That way, connect the things you want to do with the things you need to do.

The next one is the Commitment Device:
One of the favorite tools used even by psychologists to stop procrastination is called the Commitment Device. Commitment Device helps you plan your future actions and stop procrastinating. This is simple. You can understand this with examples. You can reduce the time you spend on your phone by directly deleting the games or social media apps on the phone. You can also delete them from your computer. If you want to save money but it is difficult for you to save money, you can make it so that a significant amount of money falling into your account is automatically transferred to another account. In fact, what happens in this system is that you put yourself in a situation where you cannot do your work.

The 2 Minute Rule: When you start a new habit, you should be able to do it in less than 2 minutes. The idea is that no matter how big the task is, we should be able to start it within a very short period of time. But with that beginning, you have to have the belief that the work will continue. Here we make the 2 minute version of a good habit. You will understand today that we can make the 2 minute version of any routine. For example, reading books is a good habit. Make it a point to read a book every day before going to bed. It is better to start with one page than not to read at all.

Take a 30-minute yoga session to the point where you at least take out the yoga mat. To study for my exam, take out your notes and books, open them and bring them to the place where you look. Start folding the clothes by folding two socks. Bring running 2km to the point where you put on your shoes for it. Then not only will this work begin, but we will definitely do some part of it. The idea is to make starting your habit as easy as possible.

Because starting something is difficult. Are these really hard jobs? No, these are the hard things we put in ourselves. This 2 Minute Rule is a very powerful method. Because once you start doing the right thing, it's very easy to keep doing it. These small beginnings are also called gateway habits. This is a great job that will take you from the easiest part of your goals to the most difficult part. For example, running a marathon is very difficult. Running 5km is hard, walking 10,000 feet is a little harder. But a 10 minute walk is easy. Putting on your running shoes is very easy. Your goal may be to run a marathon. But if your gateway habit is not the same, the starting point is to put on the two shoes. That's how the 2 Minute Rule is followed.

Then for better productivity there is another method called world famous daily routine experts. It is called The lvy lee method and it has 05 steps.

Number 1: At the end of each working day, write down the 6 most important things to be done the next day. Do not write more than six.

Number 2: Correctly make a list from your most important task downwards.

Number 3: When the next day comes, focus only on the first task on that list. Do not go to the second task until the first task is completed.

Number 4: Give your other five tasks the same importance. At the end of the day, if there is something that could not be completed on the list, include it in the 06 tasks of the next day's important list. 

Number 5: Apply this process every working day.

Good Luck..!

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