DEPRESSION - HOW TO GET RID OF DEPRESSION? Blog Article - Motivational Article - Motivation2Miracle

- Depression-

In April 2019, Sophie Turner participated in Dr. Phil Macrogol's Phil in the Blanks podcast. The Games of Thrones star, who captivated the world, says how she became depressed at the age of 17 due to the criticisms thrown at her through social media comments. How her mental state went to depression. She says how those negative comments affected her life. Finally, as it was said in those comments, how she accepted that she is an ugly and bad actress. She says at one point that she didn't even want to step out of the house. I didn't feel like going out to eat with at least one of my friends. I felt very lonely. At that time, I was very afraid that I would not be able to do justice to any role I played. Because I didn't do justice to my character as Sophie. She says so. Now she is 25 years old. At this time, she is fully recovered mentally.


And any person may have to go through such a difficult time in their life. But that doesn't mean he can't get out of there. In 2016, the world's beloved singer Adele told Vanity Fair, "I'm someone who opens up to depression very easily. I can get depressed very quickly. It all started the day my grandfather died when I was 10 years old. Then in 2015, after giving birth, she says so. Serena Williams, the world famous tennis champion, told USA Today in 2011, "There was a time in my life when I wasn't really happy. After my second leg surgery, and after my baby was born, I became depressed. I felt disgusted with myself around others. Dwayne Johnson or the Rock you know this giant he says, I have discovered something with depression. That is you are not alone. You are not the first person to go through this. And you are not the last one to experience this. After being rejected by the NFL at the age of 23, he suffered a deep level of depression.


Deepika Padukone, Selena Gomez, Priyanka Chopra Many people we have heard and we have not heard have their own story to tell about depression. Now put them all aside. Someone who does not know anything about depression will admit that there is a reason to say that it is reasonable to say that all these cases I have written about are suffering from depression. But now look at this incident. Jack Park, He is Korean. But he comes to the University of Pennsylvania in America to complete his degree. Meanwhile, he feels incredibly sad, frustrated and bored. At the same time he thinks of taking his own life several times and he tries twice. His father is a doctor. Fortunately, he finally decides to tell his father about this. So at the same time he receives medical treatment and advice for 4 months continuously. After further treatment, it is discovered that he has bipolar disorder. This V pole disorder is the two extremes of mania and depression. But as he says, he had a perfect life. So there is no specific reason for depression. It may be a reason that most people do not consider. So he takes a lithium pill every night. Maintain his mental health properly. It is the medicine that his doctor prescribes for him according to his condition. He follows medical advice very well and happily.


According to the Harvard education website, there are several reasons that can cause depression. It is the death or loss of a loved one, the sadness of being separated from such a person. This sadness is natural but it increases the risk of depression. Being abused, mental, physical and emotional abuse can cause this mental state later in life. It can also be a depression caused by another physical condition. Having to stay away from society means losing the purpose of a monotonous life. They say that this condition can be caused by a hereditary condition, maybe even due to drugs. Psychiatrist Helen M Varal explains this very simply according to an idea given to a TED education program. It's okay to get away with it just like cholesterol because of a mental state. Because the two things of having depression and feeling stressed are often confused. It is a bit confusing for us to differentiate between the two. Because we all feel down from time to time. It is very natural. We can feel sad when the marks are low in an assignment or an exam, when we lose our job, when we have a heated exchange with someone, or even just on a rainy day. But when that situation changes little by little, that sadness disappears. But clinical depression is different. In this situation, the sad, stressful, and depressing nature that you feel will not go away from you as much as you want. You will feel this condition continuously for at least two weeks. 

So it's not just like feeling sad, it affects your ability to work in a negative way. It affects your love life negatively. Also, depression can have different symptoms. The mood is disturbed, reduced. You will lose the passion for the things you used to love for so long. The feeling of hunger affects the general pattern of eating. You feel that you are not worthy. Or feel guilty. You may be sleeping too much or too little. Attention deficits may also occur. A feeling of restlessness, loss of energy, and especially suicidal thoughts can occur. According to psychiatric guidelines, if you have at least 5 or more of these symptoms, you can say that you have some kind of depression. Also, this depression shows different changes in our body not only mentally but also physically or physically. what are those Abnormal transmission of some neurotransmitters, simply put, can result in an abnormal increase or decrease in their activity. Especially the blunted rhythm of the hormones seratonin, norepinephrine, and droopamine, as well as specific changes in the waves during your REM sleep cycle can occur. However, since these symptoms are not visible, it is impossible to tell exactly who is suffering from this. Now what should we do about this? According to the Site to go website, we will tell you some self care tips that you can do for yourself in this kind of situation.


Number 01: Journeling is simply what you are doing here, writing down your feelings, thoughts, and ideas in a book so that you can understand them. This will help you to control yourself and improve your mental health. How should I write this? Step 1, Try to write every day. Set aside a few minutes for this. Then this will be a part of normal life. Step 2, if you want to keep it simple, keep a small note book and a pen close to you. Use it whenever you feel like writing. Also, it doesn't matter if you keep a computer file. Step 3, this doesn't have to be in any order. Write anything you can think of. If you want to discuss this, consider it a private matter. Write in the order that comes to mind. It doesn't matter if the letters are wrong. Don't even think about what people will think if they see this. Step 4, You don't need to show this to anyone. But if you think this will help someone, it's okay to show only a part of it. The complexity in your head, the weight on your shoulders will be relieved.


Number 02: find a friend; This will be very difficult for those who like to be alone. Because they don't deal much with the outside world. Be a little flexible here though. Even if you have no desire to go out and meet a friend, make a little effort. Professional psychologists say this is a very good method. Enjoy the nonsense of a friend. Allow yourself to relax.


Number 03: eat comfort food; Certain foods can definitely have a good effect on depression. Like a piece of delicious chocolate. A good tasting tea. A hot coffee in the afternoon. Adds a strange comfort to your mind. And studies have confirmed this.


Number 04: Humor; Very important. You may have heard that laughter is the best medicine. Stop listening to sad songs and watching sad programs and watch funny videos. According to studies, humor is one of the best ways to deal with depression. Watch a funny movie, a funny program or a funny video of animals or children. Or do something that makes you laugh. When you laugh, endorphins, the hormone that promotes positive thoughts, are released more. And the release of stress hormones is reduced.


Number 05: physical activity; Sometimes the simplest things make the biggest impact. From time to time studies have found that daily exercise is a good way to fight depression. Exercise releases the feel good hormone. Also, scientists say that seeing a good physical change is a good mood boost. So after a good workout you feel good.


Number 06: Do yoga; Several studies have proven that yoga is a good tool for fighting depression. It is more than an exercise.

Number 07: Meditate; Meditating for a few minutes will make you feel better about yourself. And it brings you a feeling of optimism. Apart from these things, stay away from things in life that drag you down negatively. Find your goals and work towards them. And here this is also very important. Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the world. According to the World Health Organization, 264 million people of all ages worldwide suffer from depression. But according to many studies reports, one out of eight people shows some symptoms of depression. If you have a serious condition like this, do not think twice to seek medical advice. Because sometimes you may not even know that you have depression. Having such a situation, now you may be cured with time. But the surprising thing is that an average patient suffering from this kind of mental condition takes about 10 years to decide to seek advice or help, according to the National Institute of Mental Health in America.


Why is that? Many people are afraid to seek medical advice for a mental condition because they think it is stigmatized. Or they are in different opinions as if there is no medicine for their mental illness. But you have to remember that from today everything is only the opinions of each and every person. your When there is a physical injury, medicine is taken. But if you feel something wrong mentally, it is not logical at all to refuse to get treatment for it. Imagine that from today the mind is also a part of your body. If an injury occurs in your body and you are dealing with such a serious pressure on your mind, seek mental health advice. And trust that healing process. Just like a wound heals Hemi, it heals gradually. But accepting yourself, the time you give yourself, and having a clear understanding of your situation.


The belief that good days will come soon after this difficult time is definitely important for you. Apart from these things, especially try to be a little different from your monotonous life. Let some sunlight shine into that dark room. Make the room clean and new environment. It is very important. Go and have a delicious meal. Go to Bookshop, buy a book you like, watch a good movie. Start life anew. Remember mental health is very important. It doesn't matter if you have the biggest dream in the world and you achieve that dream. If you don't maintain proper mental health. That's why along with the motivation we are also informing you about this. So try your best to maintain good mental health while working towards your dreams. Because you are going to live a happy and relaxed life not only on the day you fulfill your dreams. Even now, even at this moment, you should be happy, relaxed, or at peace. 

Good Luck..! 

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