WHAT IS STRESS? Read the Blog Article - MOTIVATIONAL ARTICLE - Motivation2Miracle


When we see others progressing ahead of us, sometimes a little trouble comes to mind. The problem is not because they win. Because we feel like we are still behind in our progress compared to their achievements. Remember this at that time. This will help you to get rid of the nervous feeling in such a situation. There are people in this world who earn more than a million dollars from copywriting, while there are others who earn millions of dollars selling ice cream, and others who earn millions of dollars selling real estate, what is the lesson of this? There is no single best way to make money or be successful in this world. You will be successful in any field if you put in the necessary work. The simplest thing is that you need to find out which method is right for you. If you think about any field in your head, are there people who are successful in it? there are And remember that all these fields are created by people.

Now they have become the fashion of other people. Becoming other people's dream and working in a field created by someone else. Maybe soon you can introduce a new field to people. You are not late. You will find that your company is unique in your field. For example, Australian Pixie Curtis is a 10-year-old girl. This child has two establishments that sell toys. If you just search, according to reports, this kid has the possibility to retire as a multi millionaire at the age of 15. Because within a year, she earned millions of dollars from her company's toy business with her mother's help. So there are people who make millions of dollars selling toys. Many people ask about the feeling of boredom when something starts to become monotonous after a while. Then how do you feel tired of work due to stress and anxious thoughts about whether you will be able to do what you really want to do? Don't really mess with them.

One, these thoughts come to us when we are going to live more in the future. In 5 years I want to be married, in two years I want to be like this. These are not bad. That great stress comes with the feeling that we will not be able to do it when it is time to plan. Success feels delayed as a result of this stress. So try to live in the present as best you can. While profitable. Enjoy the little happy responses you get today. If we want to go to disney world, we are not happy to hide behind the tinted glass of the vehicle and get off from disney world at once. Life is like that, don't hide behind work. Life is missed. Remember that success is a journey, not a destination.

 American actor Viggo Mortensen tells a beautiful story. According to him, he got the best advice about stress in his life from a horse master. This advice is Go slow to go fast what does this mean. Just think, as he says, this can be applied to anything in our life. We live with the idea that we don't have enough hours to do the things we do. But if we do all these things calmly and with good attention, we can do those things faster with minimum stress. The world famous rich man Jeff Bezos has told a beautiful story about stress. Stress comes from neglecting things that should be taken care of. Think about it and see if there are any significant things that are being ignored these days.

I'll add another little piece to it. Think about the things you want to ignore, stress comes when you are thinking about it. At the same time, see if there is any unfinished work you have started. This is a story told by David Allen, the consultant and lawyer who wrote the famous book Getting things done about time management. He says that most people are stressed not because they have a big to do list but because they haven't finished what they started. If you are feeling stressed at this time, take a moment to think if there is any unfinished business you have started. Because we have unfinished business, our brain always thinks that it might be something important to us. So his job is to always remind us of that work. He reminds us of it while finishing it. He helps us but we always have that hard feeling. This creates a strange stress that is hard to bear.

Maureen Killoran, a famous Canadian business personality, tells a great story about stress. According to her, stress is not something that happens to us. It is our response to things that happen to us. So the response to things that happen to us is a choice. Think about that too. At the time of stress, don't call me stress, eat an ice cream, take a little walk, take a little break and deal with it. If the stress increases because you have too many small tasks, think about it. We feel this stress more in the morning when we go to the office, when the children go to school, before any other crucial action of the day. So the best solution for this is to start the day 10 to 15 minutes earlier than usual.

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