What is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence motivational blog article - Motivation2Miracle


Are you smart? But I am not talking about comparative intelligence. Can you deal intelligently with your emotions and with the emotions of others? If you have emotional intelligence or if you can develop it, happiness, comfort and progress are not magic. American psychologist and writer Marshall Rosenberg says here is a story. That we are very dangerous when we are not aware of the responsibility we should have for the way we behave, the way we think and the way we feel. So simply we are going to talk about feelings. Emotional intelligence is the most valuable thing that a person can develop in this beautiful world that affects our success, whether it is work, love or whatever we are going to do. Obviously, people who have developed this emotional intelligence are the ones who really enjoy life.

There is a reason we are telling you about this. This is a characteristic of those who succeed in this world and then maintain that success in a stable state and live very humbly and happily. The special thing is that even if this luxurious life that the world calls this success is separated from them, they can still look at life happily, calmly and very positively. If you have ever wondered how some people are still smiling no matter what problems they face, if you have ever wondered how some people could live so easily, then you must have thought about emotionally intelligent people. So if you want to find this great development, you need to make a big deal with your heart from today. Because the most important part of real development is the development of the mind.

According to the website Mindtools.com, these are the traits that people with strong emotional intelligence have.

Number 1- Knowing You, Yourself: People with the highest level of emotional intelligence in the world are incredibly aware of their own feelings. They are amazingly aware of their feelings. Because they are people who learn from their mistakes. As soon as they feel a negative emotion due to some of their behavior, they see if there is something wrong here. So, because of that quality that they had from childhood, they develop in a very healthy way. Because of this, they do not let their emotions control them and especially because of that deep understanding, they have an amazing ability to make decisions based on what they feel and their strong intuition. Those decisions are often correct. They look at themselves very honestly. The special thing is that they know their weaknesses and strengths. That's why they devote time to weak things and master them. So if you want to be an emotional intellectual, the number one thing is to pay attention to yourself.

Number 2- Self-regulation: Self-regulation means that they can control their emotions and impulses. The most important thing is not to get angry unnecessarily and not to be jealous. That's why they hardly make impulsive and careless decisions. They think before taking action. Very thoughtful and not afraid to change. They can also say no to something they don't like that they don't feel comfortable with.

Number 3- Motivation: One of the main characteristics of these people is that they are always optimistic and positive. And ready to work for long-term success. They are very effective. Loves challenges. And they do what they do beautifully. And no matter how many obstacles come their way, they know how to successfully face them. They know what their goal is. So no matter how many obstacles come their way, they don't want to back down. And just like us, these people are subjected to various rejections. But they are not afraid of rejection. They turn those rejections into blessings.

Number 4- Empathy: This is the most important thing you must have with you to be an emotional intelligence. If you can get a good idea about the needs of the people around you, about their opinions, what their angle of thinking can be, you have this characteristic. These people can express their feelings beautifully with any profession they do. They create the passion related to their profession very beautifully. Because of this quality, they are not going to judge others at once. That's why they live a very open and honest life.

Number 5- Social skills: These energetic and intelligent people have good social skills or the ability to deal with people. So people feel that it is very easy to talk to them and exchange ideas with them. And they help others to improve as well. Communicates beautifully. So, even if the comparative intelligence helps you to succeed, even if it brings you success to some extent, this emotional intelligence helps you to connect with others to grow your career. That's why most of the organizations in the new world give priority to these emotionally intelligent people when hiring new employees.

So how do you become like that? Simply put, how do you become a truly advanced person? How can you become a character who can control emotions that are difficult to bear such as anger and jealousy? For that, these key points are very important for you. The best news is that you can learn it. But for some time you have to pay attention to your every action, your every feeling, your every thought. Let's see what these key issues are.

Number 1- Pay attention to the way you react to people: Do you judge people without knowing the facts about certain cases? Do you have any traits that you know you don't like? The best way to identify such qualities is the feeling you feel after a certain action. If it's a good one, no problem, if it's a bad one, there's definitely a problem there. Pay close attention to the way you think and the way you behave. Put yourself in other people's shoes. Think from the other person's point of view. At the same time, when they are more open, give value to the ideas they try to say from their angle and look at them with a mediating mind.

Realize that their needs are important too. Have you heard the "salt story". There is a poor woman. Because of their household needs, many days they ask a rich woman for one thing or another for home use. One day that rich housewife asked this poor housewife for some salt. The rich woman's son, who was watching this, asks, why does the mother ask for salt from this poor woman even though there is salt in the house? The woman then answers. Son, I said that I did that so that it would not be difficult for him to ask us for help. So think about it...

Number 2- Give opportunity to others: This does not mean to reduce your quality for others. Look at your work environment. Maybe you are the brightest person in your work environment. Maybe you are always waiting for your talents to be appreciated. You feel happy when someone appreciates you and others also like that feeling. Be happy when you see someone else shine. Think like him. How happy is he? It makes you feel great. At the same time, don't always expect the appreciation of others for your skills and try to enjoy it by yourself. That's another one. With that energy, you will be able to treat others very kindly. If you feel like your energy is waning when other people lose their attention, then there is a problem. Start treating it and find the cause. Improve your attitude towards yourself. Strengthen the foundation so that you can stand on your feelings without fear.

No. 3- Do a self-assessment: Can you find out what your weaknesses are? Can you accept that you are not perfect and no one in this world is perfect? Can you make up your mind to work on your flaws now? Because being perfect and becoming the best version of yourself are two completely different things. Making mistakes is better than faking perfections. Can you honestly look at yourself? Can you make your flaws very humble? It can change your life.

Number 4- Look at how you react to times of stress: Do you tend to fret unnecessarily whenever things don't go your way? The truth is we want things to happen the way we want. But it doesn't happen all the time. It is very practical. But do you blame other people? Do you get angry with them? Sometimes it's not their fault. Think about it. It is very important not to panic at a time like this. Nothing strange will happen because he was upset. Your energy will only be spent. Improve your ability to control your emotions in times of emergency, both in business and in life. If someone asked me who is the most powerful person in the world, what would my answer be? The most powerful person in this world is the calmest person in this world. One who is calmed by understanding. Even if it is the worst thing that can happen to someone, they are very conscious at the time of the incident. It is very attractive. In short, you can tell a lot about a person's personality by looking at how someone behaves when there is a problem.

Number 05- You need to take responsibility for your actions: If you hurt someone's feelings, you need to apologize directly as soon as possible. Don't try to ignore what you did or the person. If you make a sincere effort to correct any wrong done by your hand, people will be ready to forgive you and forget what happened. That is what the world-famous American entrepreneur Brian Koslow says that the more you take responsibility for your actions, the more credibility you get.

Number 6- Try to understand how your actions affect the other person: You need to do this by thinking as the other person before you take an action. Develop empathy. How would they feel if you did this? Would you like to have a similar experience? Simply put, after you make a huge decision, are you ready to help others for the impact it will have on them? Do you know why I say this, there is something that we sometimes think wrongly, we think that the world is created around us. Either below us. That only what we want is important. But we need to remind ourselves that we are only a small part of this. Emotional Intelligence These two words help us to have a clear mind. So, progressing when the mind is dirty is a bit of a difficult journey. It is beautiful when the mind is clear. So if you think you are smart, work carefully and happily.

Good Luck..!

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