Bill Gates Case Study - Motivational blog article .. 04 Biggest Mistakes and 03 Risks in the Business World How did Microsoft start?


Bill Gates, Businessman, software developer, Inventor, Author, Philanthropist, has a net worth of 124 billion dollars. Bill Gates has the 4th most secure house in the world. If we talk about it, it has been made to withstand earthquakes and floods. It consists of Micro Cheap. He is a person who showed the world that it is not your fault to be born poor but it is your fault to die poor. At the age of 31, he became the youngest billionaire in the world. According to Forge, a rich man who was able to keep his name as the number one rich man for 13 consecutive years. But do you know the character of Bill Gates is very amazing and different character. He is not very social, he doesn't hang out with friends, he can't understand people, he has been ridiculed a lot in front of society, he is a dropout from Harvard University. Also, he did not have any knowledge about business in the early days. How could such a person stay as the world's number one rich man for so long? Bill Gates says, I have taken 3 major risks to get to this point. At the same time, in this business life built by Microsoft, I have made 4 main mistakes. what is that Let's talk about this in this case study.   

So I invite you to read this article till the end. Let's dig into the life of Bill Gates here. So let's go..

If we talk about Bill Gates's childhood, Bill Gates was a person who lived in a cluttered room, did not talk to many people, and was not a social person. But Bill Gates was weak in that respect, but he had a super brain in terms of intelligence. Bill Gates is an avid reader. He is very good at mathematics. In short, on the first date Bill Gates went with his girlfriend, he asked his girlfriend how many marks you got in math. So it is clear what kind of person he is. Now Bill Gates is reading books all the time, so one day Bill Gates' mother will do something like this. As he does not play with his friends, mother secretly cuts off the electricity in the house. Mom thought to play that Bill Gates will come out when the electricity is cut off. But he didn't come out. So mom goes and looks in the room. Then he reads the book with the torch on. So his mother realized that he was not an equal child. He has a special ability.  

Bill Gates' assistant says that wherever Bill Gates goes, he has at least 5 books in his bag to read. Bill Gates should take one week at a certain time of the year to go somewhere far away and read books alone for that week. The assistant says that whoever Bill Gates talks to knows more than the person in front of him. Because he has more than enough intelligence, Bill Gates is someone who does not like small talk and average talk. In an interview, a journalist asked Bill Gates average questions. Just what do you think when you come here? Asked average questions. Bill Gates doesn't like such problems, so he got angry and left.

Bill Gates says in a speech, I have made 4 major mistakes in my business life. You should know this. You know what? The first mistake is that when you buy a machine, you need to lock the machine. Bill Gates says that in the past, when we pressed the three keys ctrl+alt+delete to lock this machine, they had designed it to happen. So the problem is that all these keys are not close to each other and this is not user friendly. But they had designed a key from the Apple company to lock the machine. So we did not pay much attention to user friendliness. That was the first mistake I made.

The second mistake is that Microsoft as an organization did not pay much attention to this cloud computing. We did not see that future. The third mistake is that when everyone in the world was making small machines, we were the only ones who made big bulky machines. We didn't think much from the consumer side. The fourth mistake is that Microsoft and I personally did not maintain a great political relationship. We thought that politics was not very relevant to us. If we take Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs is a person who kept many political relationships. Therefore, Bill Gates had to face many problems because he did not have any political relationship.

Bill Gates says, you can't stop making mistakes. But learning from those mistakes, improving them and developing products is the hallmark of a successful company. But being successful is not a problem, but rather than celebrating success, it is more important to learn the reasons why you fail. Now, as I mentioned before, Bill Gates was not someone who had any knowledge or interest in business in the early days. How can he do something like this? Now Bill Gates has several people who influenced his life to make him interested in business. Who knows? One of the main friends who pushed Bill Gates into these businesses, who was very interested in the technical side, is called Kent. These two friends named Bill Gates and Kent argue a lot about these businesses and ask questions. Why only some people are super successful? what are they doing What is the basis of success? Why only some organizations become big organizations? Many questions like this are asked by Bill Gates Kent.

Bill Gates says I have a reason to ask such questions. Power is not knowledge, it is by sharing knowledge that the body feels the real power. Another person who influenced Bill Gates to enter these businesses is called Paul Allen. Paul Allen and Bill Gates together do things like programming and coding. Now Bill Gates has come and he is very good at mathematics. That's why these two are mostly in the computer lab at school. Because of that, the Head Master of the school banned these two from going to the computer lab because they are always inside it. But the two who were banned from going to the computer lab were the ones who did the programming in that lab.

These two started doing many small projects like that together. Do you know what happened with this? Unbeknownst to these two, programming and coding started to gain unimaginable popularity. As soon as coding was mentioned, the names of Paul Allen and Bill Gates started coming into people's heads. Now you are wondering how this led to the start of Microsoft. What is its background story? When Bill Gates studied at Harvard University, Paul Allen brought a small magazine to Bill Gates. The world's first mini computer was placed in the head line, ready to be socialized. Bill Gates laughs at it and says, what is happening in this world when the two workers are here. Our contribution is definitely needed for this.

These two had a vision and passion that no one else in the world had. You know what? We need to include a commercial software system in every personal computer in this world. That's why they started making software for the new computer that was coming. What they wanted was the vision that they should put our software on the computer of this newly socialized person and make money from us. So anyway After working hard morning, noon and night, make a demo and go to that company and show it. Their efforts are worth it. Their software was selected. The project was handed over to them. That's how these two people decided to start Microsoft with the money and popularity that came from that. Bill Gates as President and Paul Allen as Vice President is where this company starts.

In 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen finished coding it and sold it for $3000. But not only 3000 dollars is there. Do you know what the most beautiful thing about this is that they have designed this software in such a way that they get a royalty fee every time other people sell it. There is another person who many people don't know much about who was a small factor in bringing Bill Gates to this place today. That is Warren Buffet. How did he influence Bill Gates' success? Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are two good friends. Bill Gates says my mind set is a little different. I understand that. I have not seen many of the people I have interacted with in society who think like my mind set. I have seen only a few such people. Warren Buffet is one of them. So when these two meet, they argue about different topics. Why IBM could not beat Microsoft? How to do a pricing? What is the economy of Microsoft? How to find smart people? These two people are talking about this kind of equality, not what people talk about.

That's why Bill Gates says that the people you associate with take you to success, teach you things, and push you to your dreams. So while Bill Gates and Paul Allen were running Microsoft, they started running one project at a time. Meanwhile, Microsoft started to fall. Do you know why such a thing happened? In 1981, Bill Gates and Paul Allen started making software for IBM, the world's largest computer company. But the problem is that they could not complete the first project they took before the relevant deadline. Bill Gates saw that the progress that we started with is no longer at Microsoft. Something has gone wrong somewhere. When I was thinking about it, Bill Gates found out that even though I worked hard for this company 365 days, Paul Allen no longer has the interest that he had at the beginning.

Bill Gates says, I see that I have the potential to make Microsoft the biggest company in the world, but Paul Allen is not so interested in it now. So these two started doing Argive even for small things. Bill Gates thought this is not going to work. Bill Gates thinks that Microsoft will have to hire a new president now. For this reason, Paul Allen left Microsoft in 1982. This is the reason why Bill Gates meets another old friend of his called Steve Ballmer. He is hired by Microsoft. Steve Ballmer contributed to the growth of Microsoft.

One day, someone asked Bill Gates a question during an interview. Bill Gates, is there a richer person in the world than you? Bill Gates says, yes there is one more than me. He asks who is that? Bill Gates tells a beautiful story to explain it. Before Bill Gates became a billionaire, he had a habit of buying newspapers. Bill Gates says I don't have change money most of the time. I have about 100 dollars. But the change money received by the person who sells those newspapers is not available much of the time. For this reason, when Bill Gates goes to buy this newspaper for a long time, because he does not have change money, he buys daily newspapers and the person who sells those newspapers has given the newspaper for free twice. So Bill Gates says that after I became a billionaire, I remembered a little of the person who sold those newspapers. I went there to see that person. I went and said to him can you catch me? I used to buy newspapers from you, in fact I owe you two.

I am now the biggest millionaire in the world. He said to the newspaper seller, ask me anything you want now. Then the newspaper seller laughs and says, Sir, you come to help me after you become rich, but I helped you when I had nothing. Are you the real rich man? Am I? Even today, Bill Gates laughs and says that even though I am the richest man in the world, I still owe that man two newspapers.

One day when Bill Gates was on a flight, Bill Gates found a seat at the back of the flight. In comparison, the back seat of that flight is not very comfortable. Now one of the staff working on that flight saw that this is Bill Gates sitting here. They are very upset about giving such a seat to someone like Bill Gates. He goes to Bill Gates and says, Sir, sorry. We just found out that you are Bill Gates. Sir, ask for any seat on this flight and we will give you any seat. Bill Gates says, No, I'm settled here now. I also started reading my book now. Now when I get up and find a new place and sit there, I can sit here and finish reading 05 pages of the book. No matter how rich I am, the only thing I can't buy is time. So I'll stay here.

So as Bill Gates says, he is a person who values time. Bill Gates says I don't like long meetings that much. I always try to shorten my meetings. Bill Gates' assistant says that Bill Gates has never been late for a single meeting. That's how much he values time. Bill Gates says I have never taken a vacation in my life. I have taken only 05 holidays. You know what? His wedding day, two the day his mother died, three the day his daughter was born, four the day his son was born and five the day his other daughter was born.

Now Bill Gates's Microsoft company is the top heading that is being talked about in the world. Wherever you look Microsoft, wherever you look Bill Gates. At that time, you have to face a small court hearing. The court is asking that you have 98% market shares in the computer operating system market. How does that happen? How do you do this business, that means you don't let anyone else enter this market. Such a case fell to Bill Gates at that time. Bill Gates says, so what I did was capture this market in a short time with my product. What can I do if someone else can't create a better one than that technology? So how can you say that I am doing a monopoly business? But no matter what problems like this, Bill Gates is not a person who is afraid to take risks.

Bill Gates says, I have mainly taken 03 risks during my life. You know what? The first risk was that I decided to drop out of one of the world's biggest universities like Harvard and pursue my dream. Not everyone can do that.

The second risk is that the deal with IBM was rejected. Do you know what happened? IBM said ok, if you sell your software to us at once, we will give you a lot of money at once and you can be successful at once. Steve Ballmer, who was Bill Gates' partner, was very happy with this because he said that he would get a lot of money. But Bill Gates said, no, I will not do that. I don't just want to sell this to this one company and make them rich. My vision has come and all our software programming should go to every personal computer in the world. A royalty fee should come to our company for those who use it. That is my vision. I don't want to be rich in a short time. Here is the second risk Bill Gates took by rejecting this deal.

The third risk is that I will resign from the position of CEO of this Microsoft company, which I have built with my hard work and the dedication of my team for many years. Bill Gates says, you can learn more by taking a risk and failing than by not taking a risk. But whatever, Bill Gates says at the same time, I calculated all the risks I took. I calculated them soon. I had good self-confidence about my product and myself. That's why all the risks I took were very successful.

With the wealth Bill Gates had, Bill Gates could eat well and have fun. But does Bill Gates do that? No, Bill Gates together with his wife is using a large amount of his wealth to create the world's largest charity foundation called Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. Every year they spend about a billion dollars on this. A report read by Bill Gates said that ¼ of the world still has no water. Although the people of America are happy and prosperous, somewhere in the world people still die from diseases like Diarrhea. There are still millions of people in the world who do not have the basic requirements of toilet facilities. Bill Gates says, I have sent letters and mails to the world's top universities asking them to help us in this matter. Someone just didn't give a reply.

For this reason, reduce poverty in the world, improve public education, curb HIV for women, reduce epidemics like Polio, Diarrhea, give water to people without water, provide the necessary facilities to people without toilets, reduce the number of people dying of hunger, Energy in the world. To improve consumption, to help people who cannot learn, for the sake of global health, behind the scenes, Bill Gates is supporting many projects through his foundation. In short, Microsoft has a bid every year to get people to donate money to the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. Bill Gates says, I will give a gift to the person who gives the most money to this foundation. You know what? Taking a tour of my super mansion. Do you know who has invested the most in this? Warren Buffett, who has a similar mind set, has a lot of respect for Bill Gates' vision. He has currently invested 31 billion dollars in this. Okay, how did Bill Gates get to this place, what are his personal success secrets, what is his journey like, we talked about many valuable stories like this in this case study.

You too can be successful like Bill Gates. Continue to do what you do with passion and dedication. Don't stop at obstacles. Keep moving towards your dream.

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