Steve Jobs - Case Study
The Revolution of Apple Company
How did Steve Jobs develop Apple
Computing, which was started by three people in the garage, to 01M$ at the age of 23, 10M$ at the age of 24, and 100M$ at the age of 25?
To achieve these things, Steve Jobs' decisions, the people he associated with,
and his habits were all the reasons. So how does Steve Jobs do these things?
Let's talk about the game changing, 6 success habits of Steve Jobs
that led to this. If you also want to become a company owner of a business that
changes the world, it is very important that you know these things. Because you
are an average of the people you follow. It is a world standard. How do the
world's most powerful businessmen develop their business? What are their
success habits?
Number 1: Your inner circle can make you or break you, Steve Jobs
was a very strange character since his childhood, he was not involved in
anything like group activities. But you quality is more important than your quantity.
There were not many people in Steve Jobs' inner circle, but the small number
took Steve Jobs to the next level. Steve Jobs thought so much about his inner
circle that he had no desire to go to a top rank university. Even though he had
that facility, he didn't want to go. Steve Jobs says that students in a top
rank university have no creativity. I don't want to include those people in my
inner circle.
For this reason, he even fires
the best programmer in his inner circle from the Apple company. That's because
he didn't share the vision of Apple and Steve Jobs. As Steve says, "Choosing the
right people is more important than finding the best people". However, there
were times when Steve Jobs failed. Steve Jobs hires the then CEO of Pepsi
company to Apple company as his best choice. But no matter how best he is, he
was not the right person at the time. Do you know why they did not give any
respect to the vision of Steve Jobs, the CEO of this Pepsi company. It was
destroyed. Steve Jobs says that hiring him was the biggest mistake he made in
his life. That's why your inner circle can make you or break you. Steve
Wozniak, Steve Job's best friend, is a great engineer. It was by association
with this that Steve Jobs improved his product development skills and technical
skills. He also used to go to computing clubs because he was associated with
Steve Jobs and Wozniak.
Steve Jobs' father was a mechanic. When Steve Jobs was a child, seeing his father work like this, Steve Jobs learned how to pay attention to details, how to improve technical skills, how to make even the parts of the product that are not visible to people, even these things were learned from Steve Jobs. During that period of association with father. Five of leadership According to that, do you know what is the best quality that a leader should have, that is to give birth to more leaders. Steve Jobs did exactly this. He spread the vision of his Apple company to everyone in his inner circle. The result of that is Tim Cook, who is now the CEO of the Apple company. That's the power of your inner circle.
Number 2: Calligraphy is the soul of decorative mentality; Before
long, Steve Jobs realized that this college life did not suit him. This does
not give me the things I want in my life. That's why Steve Jobs dropped out of
college. But what Steve Jobs loved the most is this creativity side. That's why
Steve Jobs joined calligraphy classes. See how far he has thought. Calligraphy
is the art that can write everything even the same thing in its own way. So how
can he apply this to the Apple company? This is how it is done, old computers
are ugly and have no attraction, so Steve Jobs was able to see the same problem
in 100 ways through this calligraphy.
Steve Jobs was able to see the same product as a design in many ways, from user
experience in many ways because of the inspiration he got from this
Number 3: Facts tell but stories sell; After Steve Jobs was fired
from their board at that time, the apple company was completely lost without
Steve Jobs. Do you know how they marketed the imac when Steve Jobs was gone? My
laptop is fast, super light, pentium 5 processor, 3 grade color. Steve jobs said that when there are too many
things in your message, people will miss that message. This is not how
marketing works. Do you know how Steve Jobs marketed the imac as "The
worlds thinnest note book". Steve jobs never sold a product. He sold
people's dreams, people's future. After Steve Jobs returned to the company, he
told his staff that he would take his brand to the top of the world through
powerful storytelling. When you think of the Nike brand, what do you think of?
Nike is a brand that goes beyond the shoe company that sells these shoes. They
do not compare the products of their brand with anyone. According to Steve
Jobs, it doesn't matter if you have an innovative product, you need to be able
to create excitement in people about that product. To do that, you need to
practice powerful story telling. In addition to this brand story telling, Steve
Jobs is a good top presenter. Steve Jobs is giving a presentation and if you
listen carefully, he will do 3 things. He educates, he
entertains, and finally he inspires. That is the power of storytelling.
Number 4: Less is more; you buy anything from Apple company.
Everything they do is simple and clear. You buy an apple box, you buy the apple
website, you don't need much, try the interiors of the office of the apple
company. All these things are simply design. A simple and clear message is what
they try to give to the customer with all their products. Do you know that the
logo they were going to put on the apple company, they were originally thinking
of putting a logo that is completely against the apple vision. But now you can
see the apple logo, whether there is a name under the logo or a tagline. A
simple logo has been made for their brand so that it can be grasped from any
distance. Because less is more. After firing Steve Jobs from the company, Steve
Jobs came back to the company and said this. What are the projects you are
doing, not these, but the apple company. Stop all these unnecessary projects.
We, the Apple company, change people's lives, we change the world. This is our
vision. Our company cannot have any product that does not go with our vision.
Let's focus only on the relevant products. This is the vision of our company.
According to Steve Jobs, innovation does not mean saying yes to everything. By
doing this, the company suffered a loss of 1.4
billion dollars in the first year by removing products in this way. But
after the first year, the company gets a profit of 309 million dollars. That is the power of focus. Now it has
come and the place where less is more practice in this business life.
Steve Jobs is a man who practiced
the concept of less is more even in his personal life. Steve Jobs says that
people are an amazing group of creatures. Steve Jobs says that after the apple
company went to people, when they started getting money, the employees and
partners who worked for it also changed drastically. Buy luxury watches, buy
cars. Steve Jobs was surprised how these normal people changed when they got
money. After that, Steve Jobs thought that I will never change because of my
money. Steve Jobs lived in a very ordinary house. Everyone has access. Steve
Jobs lived such a normal life that he had 100
sets of the same black t-shirt and pants for the rest of his life. To
reduce that energy to make decisions on unnecessary things, he used to pull
even the same clothes.
Number 5: People without passion are poison; Steve Jobs had a
great vision since childhood that every home should have a personal computer.
Even Steve Jobs dropped out of college because he didn't get a chance to do
what he liked there. When Steve Jobs was 25 years
old, the Apple company claimed an asset of 100
million dollars. But Steve Jobs didn't stop there. Because what he
wanted was not the satisfaction that comes from this money. He loved what he
did. He had a great passion to change the world. Even after Steve Jobs was
fired from the Apple company in 1985 in a very emotional way,
Steve Jobs could have enjoyed life if he wanted to. Steve Jobs says, "I
got fired yes, but I still love what I do." That's why Steve Jobs invested
12 million dollars of his own money to
start a new computer company called NeXT even after being fired by the Apple
company. The operating system for computers was called NeXTSTEP. His passion
was neither for these products nor for computers. He had the passion to make
people's lives easier and better. That's the power of your passion.
Number 6: Think different; "Make a contribution to the world
by making tools for the mind that, advances human kind" is a mission
statement that goes beyond money. So how did Steve Jobs achieve these things?
All this started with apple products. Now you think Steve Jobs is a genius.
Where does he get ideas from? Steve Jobs said he rarely did something for the
first time. But whatever he did, he tried to do it in the best way. Old
computers are ugly, big and unattractive. What did Steve Jobs do, he introduced
the imac. It was in the portable mp3 market but it is not user
friendly. What did Steve Jobs do, he launched the ipod that you can carry
thousands of songs in your pocket. iTunes was created in 2003 so that people can purchase songs legally. In 2007, the iPhone with one button, easy
to access internet access was created. It didn't stop there. In 2010, the ipad is created. What will
Steve jobs finally change in these products? The user experience, weight,
navigation, packaging, distribution, design, consumer feedback of all these
products have been changed. After some time, Steve Jobs opened retail stores
for Apple. Even there, Steve Jobs gave a different meaning. There are no sales
people inside an Apple Store. There are only experts who will give solution to
your problem.
Steve Jobs' success was due to
all the qualities mentioned above. I would like to add one more thing. The
Right Vision Steve Jobs had the right vision to change the world. He dedicated
himself to it, worked hard, tried various things. He did not think that if I
did this, I would lose a lot. He kept trying. Steve Jobs is not a god. He is an
equal human being like us. You too can win life. Change the world. You get the
right perspective on it. Commit to that vision. Don't think complicated, think
Steve Jobs is fired from his own
company. That means he was rejected. But did he give up his dream? No. He took
that rejection as a blessing and did not get scared of it. People who can think
in such an unusual way are the ones who change and change this world every day.
I am writing this article to motivate you who are reading this. Get started
now. Keep going. win life
Good Luck..!
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